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The European project ACT@Scale (Advancing Care Coordination and Telehealth Deployment at Scale) has published its report Experiences on Scaling Care Coordination and Telehealth Best Practices, describing 15 initiatives that are benchmarks of good practices in healthcare. One of these is the Hospital Clinic Barcelona prehabilitation program, which is part of NEXTCARE, one of the consortia that make up the RIS3CAT community in health coordinated by Biocat.

The preHab trimodal program aims to improve physical fitness of patients who need surgery in order to reduce complications afterwards. In addition to exercise, the preventive treatment also includes nutritional advice and psychological support, speeding up recovery and reducing complications by up to 50% in high-risk patients.


Biocat and the RIS3CAT communities

The RIS3CAT communities are a pioneering strategy in Europe aimed at transforming the business fabric in Catalonia through 2020. The initiative is the practical application of the RIS3CAT Strategy for the Smart Specialization of Catalonia, approved by the Government of Catalonia in 2014 in response to the European Union directives associated with the Europe 2020 strategy. In this regard, Biocat coordinates the NEXTHEALTH community: Multidisciplinary solutions for the coming challenges in health in order to address the main challenges in health today. In addition to the prehabilitation project, the consortium also promotes a spirometry program that improves diagnosis of chronic respiratory conditions, among other actions.


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