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The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Micinn) has granted the seal of distinction as City of Science and Innovation to 17 new cities, which join to the already 30 cities which obtained it in the first edition. This accreditation recognises the cities’ commitment to R+D+I and its contribution from the local sphere to change the productive model.

The cities awarded in this edition have been Barakaldo (Vizcaya), Bilbao (Vizcaya), Burgos, Lleida, Madrid, Málaga and Móstoles (Madrid), in the category of cities over  100,000 inhabitants; Alcalá de Guadaira (Seville), Alcoy (Alicante), Vila-real (Castellón) and Yecla (Murcia), in that of 20,001 to 100,000; and Abanto, Ciérvana and Etxebarri (Vizcaya), Cervera (Lleida), Ejea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza), Gotarrendura (Ávila) and Los Santos de Maimona (Badajoz), in the category of cities under  20,000 inhabitants.

All these cities will benefit from the R+D+I policies, since they will be now part of the Network Cities of Science and Innovation, the Innpulso Network. The recognition is granted for a period of three years and can be renewed depending on the city’s actions over this time.

In this edition, evaluation has been based on how well the innovative projects presented fit with the State Innovation Strategy (E2I), the council’s efforts to invest in innovation projects; the expected impact of improvements or changes introduced after the implementation of the innovative projects (jobs, new companies, innovative public purchase projects, private capital invested), and their facilitating hiring of technologists through one of the Inncorpora programs.

The jury has taken into account the city councils which have signed the protocol of adhesion with the Ministry to the E2I: Bilbao, Lleida, Alcoi and Etxebarri.

Barcelona chairs the Innpulso Network Board

Last month of March the Barcelona City Council was chosen to chair the Board of Innpulso Network.  Barcelona will represent the Innpulso Network, will summon the Plenum meetings, will direct deliberations and execute agreements.

Also, the six vocal city councils forming part of the Ruling Board were chosen. They represent the different modalities: San Sebastián and Valencia, in the category of cities over 100,000 inhabitants; Cáceres and Rivas Vaciamadrid, in the category of cities from 20,001 to 100,000 inhabitants; and Ermua and Benilloba in the modality of cities under 20,000 inhabitants.

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