Three Catalan companies seek financing in the Foro de Presentación de Proyectos y Empresas Biotecnológicas

On 16 December 2009, Madrid will host the Foro de Presentación de Proyectos y Empresas Biotecnológicas, a joint initiative of the Genoma España foundation and the Red Española de Business Angels (ESBAN) that is geared to investors seeking to learn about business opportunities in the innovative and promising sector of biotechnology. A total of twelve business projects will be presented: some as business plans, and others as companies that have already been formed. The Forum will feature awards for the best business plans from the programs Bioances 2009, Madrid BioEmprende 2009, BioEmprenedorXXI (an initiative of “la Caixa”, Barcelona Activa, Biocat, Genoma España, and the Barcelona chamber of commerce), Gen-Bioempresa Canarias, and Galicia Bioemprende 2009. These plans are included in the projects slated for presentation.
The three participating Catalan companies are Sagetis, Catfosc and ßCare, all of which are winners from BioEmprenedorXXI.
9:30 am to 10:00 am Registration
10:00 am to 10:30 am Welcoming Session and Awards Ceremony
10:30 am to 11:30 am Presentation of Business Projects: Session I
- Polimprint: design, synthesis and marketing of new materials that recognize compounds of therapeutic, environmental or agricultural interest
- Lead Artis: development of in-house technology for creating a new generation of multifunctional, multimeric recombinant antibodies
- Celeromics: development, manufacturing and marketing of innovative systems for analyzing data and images from the life sciences sector, including non-destructive, non-invasive, automated cell counting in crop samples
11:30 am to 12:00 pm Coffee break
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Presentation of Business Projects: Session II
- Healthsens: development, fabrication and marketing of electrochemical biosensors for detecting markers of diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis
- Sagetis: regenerative curing of major bone defects through a patented bioactive composite
- Ambiox Biotech: development of a topical gel that prevents transmission of HIV
- Catfosc: creation of a medical device to visually track skin lesions, comprising a computer with integrated software for assessing and measuring lesions such as injuries.
- Diomune: development and marketing of human and animal drugs for infectious diseases, inflammation, and autoimmune disorders.
- Innocover: production of an edible covering for cheese and breaded fish cooked in the microwave. The covering prevents growth of surface fungi in cheese and dehydration of fish in the microwave.
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Working lunch
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Presentation of Business Projects: Session III
- BitBrain Technologies: diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit disorder (ADD), and development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs).
- Chromatin Diagnostics: molecular products for early cancer diagnosis that are based on analysis of epigenetic alterations of cells with tumorigenic potential.
- ßCare: integrated programming platform for synchronizing medical signals to generate intelligent alarms for monitoring critical patients.
Date: 16 December 2009
Time: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Location: Hotel Meliá Castilla • Calle Capitán Haya, 43 • Madrid
To confirm attendance contact: Genoma España (Noelia Romero) • Tel. + 34 93 567 48 89 • E-mail: