“We want to transfer the fruits of many years of research to real life”

Maria Pau Ginebra
Maria Pau Ginebra is a professor at the UPC and an associate researcher at the IBEC. In 2013, she co-founded Mimetis Biomaterials, a spin-off of the UPC that is developing new biomaterials for bone regeneration. She is the only Catalan among the twelve finalists for the 2018 EU Prize for Women Innovators, which will be awarded in June.
When there is bone damage caused by a break or removing a tumor, or when the patient’s bone must be built up, to put in an implant, for example, a support material is required to help build quality new bone. Mimetis Biomaterials is developing new synthetic materials, inspired by real bone, that imitate its composition and structure. The company was created in late 2013 as a spin-off of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), founded by professor Maria Pau Ginebra, head of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the same university, and professor Xavier Gil with two PhD students, David Pastorino and Yassine Maazouz. Ginebra is the only Catalan among the 12 finalists, chosen from more than 120 women around Europe, for the EU Prize for Women Innovators, which will be awarded on 21 June.
Why did you want to be an entrepreneur?
To transfer the results of years of research from the Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering group at the UPC to market (real life!). Over time, we had patented some of our developments and, initially, the idea was to license these patents to a company in the sector. But a time came when we realized that to be able to lead the transfer of this knowledge, it was better to start our own company. This was a critical point and we had to find the right team, with the knowledge, drive and motivation to make the project a reality.
What is the most important strategic decision you’ve made so far?
Prioritizing our pipeline of products. Our technology is highly versatile: it allows us to develop various products with different properties and indications, from biomimetic granules to personalized implants using 3D printing to injectable, self-hardening foams. The decision on how to allocate development time to each product has been key.
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
That it is very important to focus. You have to prioritize what you put your energy into.
And now what? What milestones do you want to achieve in the short term?
We have two milestones. One priority is to compile scientific proof of the properties of our product, Mimetikoss, through a multi-center clinical study. Another milestone is developing 3D technology to manufacture personalized bone implants.