"A tip? Speak with entrepreneurs from your ecosystem and get to know their experiences"

Josep M. Escuer and Núria Noguera
Josep M. Escuer is an industrial engineer, PDD by ESADE. After 20 years in the automotive sector, he turned to health technology, where he has been working in business development, marketing and sales for 8 years. He is co-founder and CEO of QREM. Núria Noguera is a physicist and material engineer. She has been developing medical products for 16 years, the last 13 years in private companies transforming the ideas and needs of medical professionals into commercial products. She is Co-Founder and CTO of QREM.
QREM develops and markets medical devices for patient-side autologous regenerative therapies. This past April, the company launched its first product to market: Q-Cytokine, a device to treat osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal pathologies using cytokines (proteins taken from blood cells). This treatment, they say, cuts pain and limitations on mobility by 75% for more than a year in patients with osteoarthritis.
Why did you want to be an entrepreneur?
Núria Noguera: Why not? That's what I asked myself when the opportunity presented itself. A new personal and professional challenge, and the opportunity to bring to light a good project that aims to improve quality of life..
Josep M. Escuer: Because the opportunity arose to be one with a project for the future that I deeply believed in and with a partner I'd been working with for 6 years.
What is the most important strategic decision you’ve made so far?
N.N: To not wait for investment to launch to market and to start with the market closest to us.
JM.E: Keep pushing forward even if you get many 'no's because, in reality, they're 'not right now's, and find out the reasons behind each of these negatives. This allows you to reach milestones that build confidence in the project and boosts the team's credibility among stakeholders in the ecosystem.
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
N.N: That's hard; we've come across many people willing to help us and give us good advice. If I had to choose one, it would be perseverance.
JM.E: When you start off, speak with many entrepreneurs from your ecosystem and get to know their experiences. That's what we did and it went really well.
And now what? What milestones do you want to achieve in the short term?
Taking into account that we've already started marketing Q-Cytokine, our main short-term milestone is to validate our business model in Spain by putting 50 devices in doctors' offices to treat more than 1,000 patients with Q-Cytokine. Another important milestone is to export our technology to Europe.