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"Com a emprenedor, cada dia pot ser el teu darrer dia"

Tomàs Lóbez Pérez

Tomàs Lóbez Pérez

CEO de Nixi for Children

Tomàs és CEO de Nixi for Children. Té formació en disseny i ha exercit com a ponent i docent a institucions educatives, com ESADE i EINA. La seva companyia ha estat reconeguda amb diferents premis d’institucions, entre ells destaquen el Premi a la millor iniciativa tecnològica en salut de DKV Impacte i el Premi BizBarcelona a la millor iniciativa contra la Covid-19 de Barcelona Activa.

Nixi for Children is a project working to empower pediatric patients and help them overcome their fear of hospitals and the procedures they need. The company’s solution is a kit with a personalized immersive virtual reality experience.

The tool aims to get information on the operating room and the experience on the day of the surgery to children having operations and their families beforehand. This way, the patients will be familiar with what is happening, which will lessen their fear and anxiety of an unknown situation.

During COVID-19, Nixi for Children created and distributed for free a special virtual reality experience telling children what the coronavirus is and helping make them more aware of the current situation and how they can help.

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